Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully




Booking an appointment permits the client to use the EKDF selected for exercising dogs under close personal supervision at all times.

The Client may not transfer their booking to another person nor sub-let the field.

Bookings start at the time stated and you must have vacated the car park by the time your booking ends.

Bookings must be made by over 18s. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

We reserve the right to cancel or revoke your booking at any time.

Payments are made prior to appointment via our online booking portal. Cash payments are not accepted.

Membership bookings can be used at either of our sites.

Membership payments are taken via monthly direct debit.

Membership bookings will not be rolled over into the next month. Any sessions not used will be lost.

Full or partial refunds will only be made at the sole discretion of EKDF. Refunds will not be issued for missed or late arrivals or due to inclement weather conditions.

EKDF reserves the right to refuse admission or remove persons from the premises if they are found to not be adhering to our T&Cs.

We reserve the right to remove/discontinue any promotional codes or offers at any time.


Car Park

Do not arrive/park in the car park before your booked slot. This increases the risk of issues with reactive dogs.

Dogs MUST be kept on their lead between the field gate entrance and car park area.

Please only use the car park for your booked appointment. Avoid parking on the driveway next to the field.

Please take home any rubbish and do not leave anything on the car park.


The Field

Our fields are fully fenced with secure, 6ft, dog safe fencing. However, if your dog can jump over 6ft then this field may not be suitable for you.

EKDF are strictly NO SMOKING/VAPING sites.

Please do not leave any litter or waste behind.

Please arrive in the field and leave WITHIN your allotted time. Buffer periods between booking are not for loading/unloading dogs, they are to provide a clear and safe period to ensure reactive dogs do not meet.


Using The Field

Please check that the field is empty before entering with your dog. If there is another client still using the field please contact us ASAP on 07984 800062.

All dog waste must be picked up and either taken away or put in the bins provided. The fields are checked regularly and repeat offenders will not be permitted to book the field again.

If you arrive to the field late YOU MUST STILL LEAVE ON TIME.

DO NOT leave your dogs unattended at any time.

DO NOT let or encourage your dog to dig anywhere other than designated areas. This poses a real risk for your dog and others. If your dog causes any damage or you find a hole, please report it to us straight away.

Ensure all gates are locked and left as you found them.

All equipment in the field is for DOG USE ONLY.

All equipment is provided to be used safely and only by dogs who are fit and capable of using them.

Please monitor your dog’s wellbeing at all times when using the field and equipment.

DO NOT use the equipment if it is icy or wet.

Please be respectful to our neighbours. Do not encourage dogs to bark while using the field.

No more than five persons to be in the field at any one time.



DO NOT use the field if you suspect your dog may be unwell or has vomited or had diarrhoea in the previous 48 hours.

DO ensure your dogs are checked/treated regularly for worms, fleas and ticks.

We are strong advocates of positive reward training. Any owners seen mistreating their dogs will not be permitted to use the facilities again.

The use of equipment in this field may not be suitable for old, recuperating or very young dogs. Please monitor welfare at all times.

Please do not tether dogs to any fencing, equipment or structures in the field or car park.


Spot checks of the site will take place throughout the day.



Use of the fields and the provided equipment are entirely at your own risk.

The Owner/Handler of the dog is deemed to be the Owner/Keeper in accordance with the definition within the Animals Act 1971 and is responsible for the dog/dogs as the Owner/Keeper of the dog(s). You are advised to insure you pet for all eventualities which should include third party liability insurance.

Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of EKDF or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither EKDF nor any Agent, Employee or Representative of these bodies accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to dogs, owners, handlers, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or any other way whatsoever.

Working with dogs and handling dogs can be dangerous and dogs may be unpredictable. Persons using the Facility do so at their own risk and EKDF will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss.

If a section of this disclaimer is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other sections of this disclaimer continue in effect.

If any unlawful and/or unenforceable section would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to be deleted, and the rest of the section will continue in effect.


XL Bullies

XL Bullies may only be exercised at EKDF subject to the following conditions being strictly adhered to:-

The Owner/Handler/Keeper must have a certificate of exemption.

The dog must have third party liability insurance.

Insurance and registration paperwork for each registered dog must be emailed to us BEFORE making a booking.

The dog must be microchipped and neutered.

The dog must be kept on a lead at and muzzled on entry to and exit of the dog field (this is classed as a public space).

You must uphold a 1:1 dog to handler ratio with your XL bully. You can bring other household dogs to the field at the same time but they must have a separate, responsible handler for the duration.

It is not possible to allow XL bullies to share the field with dogs/handlers from a separate household or any unknown dogs/handlers.

The handler of the dog must be over 16 years of age.


Dogs banned under Breed Specific Legislation (the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991) may not be exercised at or brought to the Premises of EKDF. Specifically those breeds of dogs that may not be brought to the Premises are the:-

  • Pit bull terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Braziliero


Cancellations and Amendments

Cancellations made at least 48 hours in advance will be fully refunded.

Amendments to bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance.



East Kent Dog Fields only collect information for the purpose of bookings and record keeping. At no point will any personal data be shared with any third party (we may use anonymised information for research purposes). We are fully GDPR compliant.

If you consent to communications from us, we will use your name and email address to send you information keeping you up to date about our services and offers.

Your information can be removed from our storage if you wish, you will need to contact us directly and this will be carried out within 28 days.


Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to these Terms and Conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.